Are There Scenarios When You Should Waive Your Workers’ Comp Claim Rights?
Are There Scenarios When You Should Waive Your Workers’ Comp Claim Rights?

Workplace injuries are an unfortunately common experience, especially in industries where employees have to work with dangerous equipment, perform repetitive motions or tasks, or work in potentially dangerous settings. In many cases of an employee injury, workers’ compensation is the...

Can I Get Workers’ Comp for a Back Injury While Working at FedEx?
Can I Get Workers’ Comp for a Back Injury While Working at FedEx?

With FedEx, you work in an environment that carries a high possibility of on-the-job injury. Drivers have to move heavy and unwieldly boxes, often without help. Warehouse workers move large objects through a highly restricted environment. Workers don’t always have...

Amazon Work-Related Injury
Amazon Work-Related Injury

If you have suffered an Amazon work-related injury, it’s important for you to know the processes that help you get your workers’ compensation payout. Workers’ compensation is meant to compensate injured people for the medical costs, lost wages, and other...

What to Do About an Eye Injury at Work
What to Do About an Eye Injury at Work

If you have experienced an eye injury at work, you’re probably wondering about your rights at this point. A work-related eye injury can lead to serious problems, especially for individuals who develop severe vision problems as a result of the...

Hurt at Work? 4 Steps to Preserve Your Workers’ Comp Claim
Hurt at Work? 4 Steps to Preserve Your Workers’ Comp Claim

If you are injured at work, it can be a very stressful experience. You will obviously be concerned about your health and well-being, but you will also be concerned about your employment. In most cases when you are seriously injured...

How Workers’ Compensation Works in Florida
How Workers’ Compensation Works in Florida

Like other U.S. states, Florida provides protection for employees through workers’ compensation insurance. You may nonetheless want to know how workers’ compensation works in Florida. If you are injured (or ill) due to a job-related condition or circumstance, you are...