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What You’re Owed Under Florida Overtime Laws
What You’re Owed Under Florida Overtime Laws

At Feldman Legal Group, we believe in empowering workers to get the pay they deserve. One of the most important steps any employee can take to secure their pay is to understand wage laws in their state and ensure their...

Proving Your Wrongful Termination Case
Proving Your Wrongful Termination Case

In the United States, we are all guaranteed the right to live and prosper. This means we should be permitted to earn a living, but sometimes circumstances and people get in the way of this. Certain laws at the local...

Restaurant Owners May Count Service Charges As Wages, Not Tips, for Servers
Restaurant Owners May Count Service Charges As Wages, Not Tips, for Servers

When a restaurant places fixed service charges on a customer’s bill, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in March 2022 that the restaurant can distribute these service charges to employees, including wait staff, and use the disbursement to offset...

Stand Up to Workplace Discrimination
Stand Up to Workplace Discrimination

There’s no place in any workplace for discrimination. We all deserve an equal and just opportunity to pursue our dreams and see the fruits of our labor regardless of race, skin color, religion, sex, gender, pregnancy, nationality, age, disability, or...

How Many Times Can You Appeal a Workers’ Comp Case?
How Many Times Can You Appeal a Workers’ Comp Case?

Workers’ Compensation Is Important Protecting Your Health and Your Future Is Your Right Workers’ compensation claims are commonplace both across the United States and in Florida. Every day, workers are injured while on the job, and the benefits from these...

How to Get the Salary You Deserve
How to Get the Salary You Deserve

You should be paid what you deserve. End of story. Read that first sentence again, because we want to help you make sure you’re getting the wages you deserve. We’ve previously talked about how to know if you’re underpaid, but...