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When a Simple Step Leads to a Major Fall: Navigating Slip and Fall Accidents
When a Simple Step Leads to a Major Fall: Navigating Slip and Fall Accidents

Picture this: you're walking through your favorite grocery store or strolling down a sidewalk, and suddenly, you find yourself on the ground, hurt and confused. Slip and fall accidents are more than mere mishaps; they are distressing events that can...

WhistleBlowers & Qui Tam Lawsuits: Standing Up Against Fraud
WhistleBlowers & Qui Tam Lawsuits: Standing Up Against Fraud

Qui tam lawsuits, rooted in the False Claims Act, serve as a fundamental mechanism in the fight against fraud, particularly in cases involving fraudulent claims against government programs. The False Claims Act, a key piece of American legislation, was enacted...

Feldman Legal Group Files New Class And Collective Action For Inside Sales Reps Of Partsbase Inc And Govgistics Inc. For Recovery Minimum Wages And Overtime Wages And Other Damages
Feldman Legal Group Files New Class And Collective Action For Inside Sales Reps Of Partsbase Inc And Govgistics Inc. For Recovery Minimum Wages And Overtime Wages And Other Damages

Justice for workers: Feldman legal group files new class and collective action for inside sales reps of Partsbase Inc and Govgistics Inc. For recovery minimum wages and overtime wages and other damages: Shawn martin v. Partsbase inc. And Govistics inc.,...

Exempt vs. Non-exempt Employment: What You Need to Know
Exempt vs. Non-exempt Employment: What You Need to Know

One of the primary concerns in employment law is ensuring that everyone is paid correctly and treated with fairness, but one concept that both employers and employees often misunderstand is the critical distinction between “exempt” and “non-exempt” status. The Fair...

Why Do I Need a Workers Comp Lawyer?
Why Do I Need a Workers Comp Lawyer?

Your employer is obligated by law to provide free medical care if you were injured at work, plus weekly wage benefits until you can return to your job. So why should you seek legal counsel for a workplace accident or...

Pay for Putting on Clothes and Gear at Work
Pay for Putting on Clothes and Gear at Work

Should You Get Paid For Putting On Clothes And Gear At Work? The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to pay employees for all time worked, which includes any activity that is part of the job or that is...